The goddesses sang mystical songs that restored peace and harmony to our broken world. Long ago, in an age tarnished by endless conflict, five beautiful goddesses descended upon the land. Zero's attack skill will vary as the song flows. In this case, when you're doing ground battle, you can command your dragon to help you without riding the dragon. You can also fight together with your dragon. Zero is able to use four kinds of weapons: Swords, Spears, Combat Bracers and Chakrams.

There are four allies Zero can recruit, but she can only have two accompany her into battle. There are no town areas for the player to explore, but character interactions during battle remain intact, while characters can also interact in-between missions in a camp. This title introduces "singing" or the "will to sing" (ウタウタイ), which is a new method of manipulating magic in the world. The game is roughly similar to previous titles with ground and aerial combat. Instead, the events directly connecting Drakengard are told in the 2014 novel Drag-On Dragoon 3 Story Side. The other one was set in a contemporary setting following the adventures of a Japanese high school girl who would call for her dragon companion through her cellphone.Īccording to the blog of Emi Nagashima (Jun Eishima), the writer of the game's supplementary material, none of the game's endings lead into Drakengard, despite some superficial similarities. The first one wanted to trick players into thinking that they missed a title by calling this one Drag-On Dragoon 4 and have the story search for the "missing piece" of the series. He also mentioned within the same interview a couple ideas he wanted to do for this entry but were rejected. In a Dengeki Online interview, he says that it's a story about "searching" for something. He had to fight to keep a female protagonist and Zero's eye-flower, as he believes it will offer a different flavor to the story. Yoko "aims to do neither" while keeping true to the spirit of the Drakengard series. Yoko said that Drakengard fans frequently request a dark story according to surveys from Square-Enix and Shiba personally wants a story like Nier. Shiba believes that it was refused due to a trend at the time which sought to appeal to light gamers with a lighter atmosphere. When he presented the game to Cavia's parent division, AQ Interactive, it was shut down.

Shiba had continued to pitch the idea of creating Drag-On Dragoon 3, and he too met difficulties due to Cavia's termination. He was planning to continue expanding the Nier continuity, but his plans were cut short when Cavia disbanded and Yousuke Saito ( Nier's producer) became busy managing Dragon Quest X. In Yoko's eyes, Nier is his personal Drag-On Dragoon 3. Yoko felt that he wasn't up to the task at the time and refused. According to a Famitsu interview, Takamasa Shiba presented the idea of creating a sequel to Drakengard 2 many years ago to Taro Yoko.